7 Ways To Travel Sustainably

Posted by Vyshnavi Rajeevan on

Welcome back to Siempre Eco.’s Sustainable Saturday! 

Summer is closer than ever, and you know what that means! Yes, tubs of ice cream bought weekly and consumed daily. But also, traveling! Before anything else, comment down below what your travel plans are this summer! We’d love to hear them. 

Unless you’re a long time travel-connoisseur, we’re sure that you’ve wondered at some point if there was something you could be doing more, if there was any way you could travel more sustainably. Well, we’re here to put your mind at ease! Scroll below for our tips on traveling sustainably, counting ways you can leave the lightest footprint you can behind. 

Pick Airlines Carefully

This is if you’ve already considered taking other means of transport such as trains or buses. You should always opt for those whenever possible, but of course there are situations and destinations where you can’t! 

There are a lot of ways your flight can be considered sustainable or green, many of which are airline-independent initiatives. The best and most common ways are an airline using biofuel, maximizing space when flying and taking other considerations in carbon offset. 

Bring Your Own Bottle!

We have another BYO on this list, but this one is so important that we had to present it on its own! 

According to earthday.org, Americans alone purchase about 50 billion water bottles per year, which is about 13 bottles per month for every person in the U.S.! I can’t bear to think how that number compares internationally. This means that by using a reusable water bottle, especially when traveling, you save more than 156 plastic bottles a year

Think about it: Water fountains are almost everywhere, and it’s not difficult to ask if a source of water is drinkable! Save yourself from the plastic bottles, save the Earth from plastic mountains.

Shop Local 

I know it’s tempting to stop at those big fancy souvenir stores that are at the airport or even in big malls, but remember that those trinkets are all mass-produced! No shame in getting one that you especially like, but if you’re looking for something with a more personal and authentic touch, shop local! 

Research where you’re visiting by looking at websites and even forums to find some hidden gems! Chances are that they’ll probably be cheaper too. Get something of true value that you can always have to remember your trip by. 

You’ll also be supporting the local economy this way. And as a final note, this is truly a way you can immerse yourself in the local culture and have a truly immersive experience. 

BYO Cutlery Kit

Siempre Eco ($10)

Travel waste comes from more than just plastic water bottles. They also come from all the plastic cutlery that is used! Preparing and keeping a reusable cutlery kit wherever you go takes no time at all, and takes up little space! Just pack the basics, which include a straw, fork, spoon, and even chopsticks! We’ll get you started– Siempre Eco sells Bamboo Straws that come with a pouch and even a straw cleaner!

These kits will prove useful during your trip whether you’re on the plane, hitting the town, or catching a break before your flight.

Eco-friendly booking sites

Look for websites that have you best eco-friendly interests in mind! According to goabroad.com,  G Adventures are leaders when it comes to sustainable tourism! If you’ve used it before, let us know what your experience was like in the comments below! If you have other booking sites that take sustainable practices into account, comment below as well. 

Choose Sustainable Destinations

If you have a choice in where you can travel, choose the best place to leave a light footprint, or in general a place that could use the tourism! The New York Times recommends “cities and towns in Slovenia, including Ljubljana, as well as locations in Spain” and considers them to be among the best places to visit. Palau was also mentioned– “where visitors must pledge to protect the natural and cultural heritage before entering”. 

Okay but seriously, what more could you ask for? We recommend you read their article– it’s very well written and goes into greater detail!

In addition, there are also a couple ways to tell if you can be more eco-friendly in a specific destination. For instance, do you have to drive everywhere there or can you take public transportation instead? Ask yourself things like that before you pick a final destination!

Reflect Afterwards

After your trip, take some time to reflect on your experience! Were there tips you picked up on? Did you figure out things you can do better on your next trip? Did any tips you try not work for you? Make note of it!  

There are also the ‘Four F’s of reviewing’: Reflect on facts, feelings, findings, and the future.  



Thanks for making it this far, dear readers! Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts and favourite products in the comments below. Have an amazing vacation, wherever you go!

- Team Siempre Eco. 

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